Surrey Schools (SD36)
14033 92 Avenue
Surrey, B.C. Canada
V3V 0B7
Phone: 604-596-7733
We are the largest school district in BC and serve Surrey, White Rock and the rural area of Barnston Island.
Copyright © 2025 Surrey School District. Admin.
(Student) has demonstrated some basic scientific competencies. For example, (he/she/they) can identify important variables when collecting data in an experiment. (His/Her/Their) next steps are working towards effectively displaying the data on a graph and analyzing relationships between variables. (Student) is curious and asks meaningful questions.
(Student) is demonstrating most of the content learning standards in electric circuits and ecosystems.
(Student) has good conceptual understanding of the content learning standards about chemical reactions.
(Student) has a deep understanding of the scientific concepts. (He/She/They) can relate (his/her/their) learning to new situations and suggest how the science can be applied to solve problems in our world.
(Student) is beginning to purposefully select and combine the elements and principles of art to create personally meaningful works of art. Through this use of the elements of design (he/she/they) (is/are) able to use different forms of line and texture to create visual interest using a variety of drawing tools. (Student) is continuing to work on (his/her/their) understanding of social and cultural importance and impact of local artists and art making. (Student) was hesitant to contribute to group discussions when sharing (his/her/their) personal ideas but showed an interest in learning about and providing feedback on the ideas of others.
(Student) shows a developing understanding of the competencies and content of visual arts. (Student) was able to engage in creating works of art using a variety of mediums including those used to draw, paint and create basic structures using clay (pinch pot). (Student) is continuing to work towards adapting (his/her/their) ideas during the design process and to adjust techniques when faced with creative challenges during art making. (Student) was an enthusiastic participant in our collaborative creative challenges and helped to build confidence in other students, encouraging their ideas and participating during our 'upcycle' project.
(Student) has shown evidence of being able to reason and reflect in (his/her/their) ideas and image development through the creative process. (His/Her/Their) art work shows proficiency in the exploration of materials, tools, techniques and the development of new ideas, and independently taken part in art room processes. All (his/her/their) creations show exploration of personal interests, imagination and inquiry, which is evident in (his/her/their) Self-Portrait Inquiry project. (Student) is continuing to work on (his/her/their) use of the elements, principles and image development strategies to create mood, effect or meaning. (He/She/They) (has/have) been a positive influence of (his/her/their) peers in (his/her/their) participation and willingness to take risks. (Student) is often engaged in conversations with others about their art work and loves to share feedback and suggestions for next steps.
(Student) has demonstrated a sophisticated ability to create, describe, interpret and reflect on personal art making. (Student) refined and pushed (his/her/their) thinking during the planning process which allowed them to compose pieces that combined various mediums in unexpected ways. This inspired use of materials allowed them to create a piece that included a physical and interactive component for the viewer. This art piece started as an individual project and turned into a collaborative project for our entire junior program. (Student) continues to work towards being able to critically analyze the art work of others and share (his/her/their) feedback with confidence. (Student) is working on asking purposeful questions from (his/her/their) teacher or peers to help (him/her/them) make decisions about next steps during (his/her/their) planning and creating processes.
(Student) demonstrates an emerging level of competency in French. (He/She/They) can prepare and present a short and relatively simple message in a written or oral document using arguments and some examples. (Student) is working towards identifying main ideas and making simple interpretations from a written text or audio document and make some inferences. I encourage (Student) to continue to participate orally in French as much as possible and seek opportunities to broaden their exposure to French language outside the classroom.
(Student) demonstrates a developing level of French competency.(Student) can prepare simple and organized written and oral texts to express ideas and support (his/her/their) point of view. (Student) can identify at a basic level main ideas and details of written or audio texts, make inferences and explain (his/her/their) interpretations. I encourage (Student) to continue to apply revision strategies and utilize the French language to deepen their understanding. (Student) makes an effort to participate fully in classroom activities and should continue to ask relevant questions and use a variety of support in the classroom and outside the classroom to acquire more extensive language structures and vocabulary.
(Student) demonstrates a proficient level of French language competency.(He/She/They) (is/are) able to clearly organize ideas using a variety of language (vocabulary and structures) to communicate a message (orally and written). (Student) can also understand and interpret oral and written texts with confidence. (Student) is encouraged to use effective revision strategies to improve (his/her/their) work. (Student) uses all opportunities to participate with a positive attitude and takes risks in class using oral language.(Student) is encouraged to use available supporting materials to deepen background knowledge and vocabulary.
(Student) demonstrates an extending level of competency in French. (He/She/They) uses sophisticated language to explain ideas and justify their arguments both in oral and written format. (He/She/They) demonstrate a deep understanding of a variety of audio and written texts and can integrate various perspectives. (Student) uses extensive and effective strategies to improve (his/her/their) work. (Student) confidently applies new learning to participate in discussions and group work. (Student) is encouraged to seek opportunities to broaden (his/her/their) exposure to more complex and varied language to continue to expand (his/her/their) knowledge and competency in French. (Student) uses all opportunities to participate with a positive attitude and takes risks in class using oral language.
(Student) demonstrates an emerging level of competency in French. (He/She/They) (is/are) able to communicate orally and in written format using simple language with some details and explanations [add examples of classroom projects or language activities]. (Student) is beginning to use strategies to comprehend a variety of texts both written and audio. (Student) would benefit from more oral participation in class and continuing to seek help and ask questions. To support the learning, (Student) is encouraged to increase (his/her/their) contact with French outside the classroom.
(Student) demonstrates a developing level of competency in French. (He/She/They) continues to progress in (his/her/their) ability to communicate a clear message using learned vocabulary and simple idiomatic expressions (both orally and in written format). (Student) can understand an increasing variety of more complex texts (both written and audio) including different literary genres and is beginning to produce similar texts. (Student) would benefit from increased oral participation in class and should continue to use strategies provided by the teacher to improve (his/her/their) language skills (written and oral).
(Student) demonstrates a proficient level of French language competency. (He/She/They):
(Student) demonstrates an extending level of competency in French. (He/She/They):
(Student) is currently demonstrating an emerging level in (Core and Intensive French/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese). (He/She/They) (is/are) beginning to use strategies to support communication such as using a picture dictionary to look up words they do not know.(Student) is encouraged to speak more in class using complete sentences in the target language.(Student) is becoming more comfortable engaging in peer-to-peer conversation and I encourage them to seek clarification of vocabulary meaning with teacher when needed.
(Student) is currently demonstrating a developing level in (Core & Intensive French/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese). (He/She/They) (is/are) developing the ability to exchange ideas and information in the target language using complete sentences, both orally and in writing. Students are currently learning how to order food at a restaurant. (He/She/They) would benefit from reviewing notes and new vocabulary provided in class on a regular basis. (Student) is encouraged to engage more in conversations about current themes that we are studying.
(Student) is currently demonstrating a proficient level in (Core & Intensive French/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese). (He/She/They) (has/have) demonstrated how (Francophone/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese) culture is expressed through creative works in a thorough manner. (He/She/They) (was/were) able to create a clear and detailed travel brochure with learned vocabulary. Student) is encouraged to research ways to engage in further cultural experiences. (Student) has shown a positive willingness to collaborate with (his/her/their) peers in small and large group conversations.
(Student) is currently demonstrating an extending level in (Core & Intensive French/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese). (Student) extends learning by being able to narrate stories, both orally and in writing with clear fluency, pronunciation and a high degree of comprehension in the target language. (He/She/They) (is/are) able to role play a short story we have been reading in class.(Student) is encouraged to explore other forms of media in (French/Punjabi/Spanish/Japanese) to continue (his/her/their) understanding of the language. (Student) has been taking risks to extend language boundaries such as showing confidence to initiate conversations with different people.
(Student) is beginning to develop (his/her/their) oral language skills by sharing ideas in small/large (select one or both) group discussions using sentence starters. (He/She/They) (is/are) continuing to work on asking questions to increase understanding. (Student's) next steps are to continue to take positive risks in class and build confidence.
(Student) is developing oral language skills by identifying and sharing key ideas and concepts about (topic) in small/large (select one or both) group discussions. (He/She/They) (is/are) working on asking relevant questions to deepen understanding. (Student's) next steps are to ask for support whenever necessary and persevere.
(Student) has clearly demonstrated proficient oral language skills by contributing thoughtful ideas about (topic), asking muli-level questions to deepen understanding, and is working on extending thinking in small/large group discussions. (Student) is an enthusiastic participant and is working on listening attentively to understand different perspectives and foster meaningful interactions and discussion of ideas.
(Student) is confidently and skillfully able to share thoughtful ideas and support them with evidence. (He/She/They) (is/are) continuing to work on enhancing (his/her/their) skills as (he/she/they) explore facilitating a discussion and ensure that everyone is included and has an opportunity to participate. (Student) is a highly motivated learner and is committed to supporting the growth of their peers.
(Student) is beginning to use the writing process to brainstorm and organize (his/her/their) ideas using prompts and graphic organizers. (He/She/They) (is/are) continuing to work on including details as well as varied vocabulary using a word banks. (Student) is eager to learn and seeks help whenever necessary.
(Student) is developing (his/her/their) ability to work with complex ideas and provide supporting details with evidence. (His/Her/Their) next steps are using an outline to organize (his/her/their) writing and focus on improving clarity and fluency in communicating (his/her/their) ideas. (Student) is engaged when in class and is working on being consistent with (his/her/their) attendance.
(Student) is demonstrating proficiency in creating written texts.
(Student) is demonstrating sophisticated writing skills.(He/She/They) (is/are) working on using more complex and sophisticated language as well as more creative forms of written expression. (Student) has a passion for writing and expressing (himself/herself/themselves) creatively.
In Humanities, some units are integrated and reflect combined English Language Arts and Social Studies learning standards/goals. Therefore, strength-based descriptive feedback comments could be integrated or provided separately by area of learning, specifically English Language Arts and Social Studies.
English Language Arts and Social Studies Integrated Strength-Based Descriptive Comments:
English Language Arts Learning Standard: Creating and Communicating - Use the writing process to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful text for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Social Studies Learning Standard: Historical Significance - Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments at particular times and places.
(Student) is beginning to use the writing process and organize (his/her/their) ideas by using prompts and graphic organizers to demonstrate a basic understanding of significance in history and Social Studies. (He/She/They) can identify examples that illustrate the importance of people, places or events during a specific historical time period. (Student's) next steps are to use the outline to write a cohesive paragraph. (He/She/They) (is/are) an enthusiastic learner and strive(s) to do well.
(Student) is demonstrating a developing understanding of significance in history and Social Studies. (He/She/They) (is/are) able to identify and explain the significance of people, places, or events in a historical time period with specific reason and evidence to support (his/her/their) claim. (Student's) next steps are to use the outline to develop a clear thesis and support (his/her/their) claim using historical events as supporting evidence. (He/She/They) (is/are) a collaborative learner and works well with peers.
(Student) is proficient at determining the significance of historical people, places, or events that resulted in lasting change and deep consequences for many people over a long period of time as well as identify and explain the issues that were brought to light by the event. (He/She/They) (is/are) able to use the writing process to clearly communicate complex historical concepts and events using well-chosen evidence. (Student's) next steps are to analyze how people, places or events have influenced and shaped society. (He/She/They) (is/are) critical thinker and open to exploring multiple perspectives.
(Student) is demonstrating a complex understanding of significance in history and Social Studies. (He/She/They) (is/are) able to determine lasting change and consequences of events, and critically analyze how those events have influenced or shaped society. (He/She/They) (has/have) also demonstrated sophisticated writing skills, clearly communicating (his/her/their) thinking in a well-organized composition with carefully chosen, clearly documented supporting evidence. (Student's) next steps are to make connections with other historical or current events. (He/She/They) (is/are) a critical and creative thinker and (is/are) able to identify re-occurring themes and patterns in history and Social Studies.
Overall, (Student) has demonstrated an Emerging understanding of the concepts and competencies in Mathematics 8.
Overall, (Student) has demonstrated a Developing understanding of the concepts and competencies in Mathematics 8.
Overall, (Student) has demonstrated a Proficient understanding of the concepts and competencies in Mathematics 8.
Overall, (Student) has demonstrated an Extending understanding of the concepts and competencies in Mathematics 8.
(Student) is beginning to understand the historical competencies in Social Studies.
(Student) is illustrating partial understanding of the historical competencies in Social Studies.
(Student) is illustrating thorough understanding of the historical competencies in Social Studies.
(Student) is illustrating sophisticated understanding of the historical competencies in Social Studies.