Blended learning weaves together the best aspects of face-to-face and online learning. The teacher facilitates learning through the seamless integration of digital tools & strategies, online and in the classroom.
Community, belonging, and emotional safety
Conceptual understanding and engagement
Digital technologies, connectivity and flexibility
Student agency, voice, and choice
Family engagement
Sustained, bidirectional home-school communication
Students thrive when they feel connected to a supportive neighbourhood school, caring adults, and a classroom environment that is grounded in trusting relationships.
Thoughtful curriculum design, purposeful instructional strategies, ongoing formative assessment, and social and emotional learning that fosters skills, habits and mindsets that enable academic progress and efficacy. Inquiry based learning.
Teachers weave together the best aspects of face-to-face and online learning that allow students some control over the time, pace, place and path of their learning.
Learning experiences include opportunities for self-direction, goal-setting, planning, and formative assessment with regular opportunities for reflection and revision of work.
In a blended learning environment, parents can help their children gain independence and improve their learning outcomes by helping their children navigate the blended learning environment.
Two-way communication between teachers and parents has many positive effects on student learning.
Surrey Schools (SD36)
14033 92 Avenue
Surrey, B.C. Canada
V3V 0B7
Phone: 604-596-7733
We are the largest school district in BC and serve Surrey, White Rock and the rural area of Barnston Island.
Copyright © 2025 Surrey School District. Admin.