

How do I add an additional presenter to my meeting before the meeting starts? (for example, a TTOC)

Sometimes it's helpful to make someone a presenter before your meeting starts. For example, if you know that you'll be away, you can make your TTOC a presenter beforehand so that your TTOC is able to share their screen and manage the meeting.

  1. Go to the Calendar in Teams.
  2. Create your meeting. In the "Add required attendees" field, enter the name of your additional presenter (i.e. your TTOC). Click the Save button.
  3. In the Calendar, select the meeting and then click on the Edit button.
  4. You'll now notice a "Meeting Options" button. If Chrome is your default browser, you can click on this button to open the Meeting Options page. If Chrome is not your default browser, do a two-finger click on the "Meeting options" button and paste the link into a new Chrome/Edge window. Hit the Return key (Mac) or Enter key (PC).
  5. Where it says "Who can present?" choose "Specific people." Then, enter the name of your additional presenter (i.e. the name of your TTOC). Click the Save button.

Last Updated: February 09, 2021