Dr. Julia Lindsey’s “Reading Above the Fray: Reliable, Research-Based Routines for Developing Decoding Skills” offers evidence-informed routines to help early readers decode words efficiently, thereby freeing up energy for comprehension and reading enjoyment. The book offers need-to-know essentials of how children learn to read, principles of high-quality foundational skills instruction, culturally responsive practices, and teacher-approved instructional ""swaps"" to improve early reading instruction. School teams are invited to form book study groups to dig into Reading Above the Fray. One teacher from your school will commit to virtually attend monthly district book study sessions to unpack chapter content and leave equipped to facilitate the school-based book club. Please connect HERE for additional information and to express your team's interest.
Presenter: Ginny Tambre, Courtney Jones, Kerri Hutchinson
Date: November 15, 2023
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Location: Virtual