
The resources below are carefully curated to give you the best we can find.  They will be regularly evaluated and refreshed as needed. 

What is Inquiry Based Learning?

Read - This page from Queens University is a great overview! 

Watch - Here’s a short overview of inquiry-based learning, and why you might want to try it.

Sketchnotes - Terrific information packed visuals to understand inquiry-based learning.  


What does the research say?

Some really smart people (Smallhorn, Young, Hunter and Burke de Silva) IBL in Australia did some qualitative research. Here are their findings


Can I see some examples?

Here are some Canadian classroom examples

The Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry is an entirely inquiry-based high school in Victoria, BC. Their students do amazing things. Here’s how it works


How does this look at the Senior Secondary level?

Outdoor Journeys  – This is a Scottish high school program where inquiry and outdoor education meet! This is their guide


Can I do this in Kindergarten?

Absolutely!  Check out inquiry guru Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt's step by step process for K level inquiry.


How do I assess Inquiry Based Learning?

This site has some great ideas!  Check out the triangulation of evidence!  

We are Teacher Librarians and love books. You too? Check these out:

Still need more help?

Copyright © 2025 Surrey School District. Developed by Andrea LaPointe, Christopher Hughes, and Gareth Poon