Online science resource providing digital lessons built around a guiding question or scientific mystery. Includes, images, videos, structured time for class discussions, and hands-on activities.
- Engaging ready-made lessons on many science topics.
- Easy search for lessons on specific topics
- Guided tour for teachers
- Distance learning how-to guide
- Digital hand-outs and assessments ELA integration
This is a paid resource. Please talk to Purchasing if you would like to buy a school-based license for your staff
- This resource requires a signed Technology Tool Consent form for student use in the Surrey School District
- This resource is approved for K - 12 classroom use in the Surrey School District
Users please note this resource:
- is not FOIPPA compliant (server outside of Canada)
- collects personal information
- collects computer information (IP address and location)
Teachers please use Surrey Schools District email when creating an account so personal information is not collected. When using fillable assessment forms through the platform please use Student first name only or Student first name and Last name initial (i.e. Julian, Julian L).
Students are not required to create an account as the content is shared through Teacher accounts. The general district parent consent form is required to be signed before sharing Mystery Science links with students.