
Mind and Body Challenge

GVZOO Animals

Mind and Body Challenge

This activity is designed to get you and your child moving and developing a growth mindset! It is also a time to build your relationship through facing challenges!

Together, choose a physical challenge (squats, push-ups, sprints, wall sits etc.) and set a number-per-week or time goal for the week. Possibly increase the time or number of exercises as the week goes on.  Come up with a plan together and make a commitment to do the activity each day.

Before you do the activity, talk about what that little voice in our head says when things are difficult (you can’t do this, why even bother, it’s too hard etc.).  Together with your child, come up with a statement that will combat these negative thoughts (This is hard, but I’ll keep going, anyone can do something for 30 seconds, I CAN do this etc.). 

  • GVZOO Animals

    GVZOO Animals

  • GVZOO Animals

    GVZOO Animals

CATEGORIES: Social & Emotional Learning