
Connect by Volunteering

GVZOO Animals

The COVID-19 Pandemic a stressful time for many. But it can also be seen as an opportunity to do things differently and to do different things. Some of us have found our lives on pause, with time to do some things we don’t usually have time to do, but which can enrich others’ lives and our own and contribute towards some of the bigger things in older students’ lives, like graduation, employment, and work. One of the things we can do that will improve the quality of our own lives and others is to volunteer. Volunteer work can introduce older students to civic participation and lifelong involvement in the world around them, helping them to understand that they are active participants in what happens in their lives, rather than passive recipients. This sense of control can reduce stress and increase feelings of joy, fulfillment and self-actualization. 

 Visit Volunteer Canada online: 

CATEGORIES: Social & Emotional Learning