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5 Simple Lessons for Social and Emotional Learning for Adults - by Elena Anguilar

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The COVID-19 Pandemic has and will have a massive impact on students in transition.  Our grade 10s are becoming seniors, 11s going into their last year of high school ever, and 12s going on to an entirely new and different world of work and post-secondary school. These changes are occurring in a vacuum of relative isolation devoid of rites of passage and celebrations like grad and dinner dance and may, because of this, become sources of fear and anxiety, rather than excitement and joy.  It might be helpful for older students to explore these emotions so they don’t become too powerful and overwhelming and so they can practice managing difficult emotions in difficult times.  Elena Aguilar—author, speaker, consultant, and trainer in the field of adult learning—has developed 5 strategies for adults to develop “emotional awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.”  Students—you can practice these at home, on your own, using a journal, and/or through conversation with an adult you live with.  Parents—you can help your child in these by modelling the skills and examples Aguilar gives us and by conversing with your child a bit each day.  

See the activities online at: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/five-social-emotional-learning-lessons-for-adults-elena-aguilar 

CATEGORIES: Social & Emotional Learning